If you would like to serve your community and join a committee, the board is always looking for more volunteers. This is a great way to get involved at a level where many decisions impacting our community are first presented and discussed. Please contact our Association Manager, Christian Brockl, at
cbrockl@sentrymgt.com to express your interest and to be connected with the committee chair for more details.
Architectural Control Committee
The Architectural Control Committee exists to help ensure consistent application of design criteria and requirements included in the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&R’s) and Architectural Specifications and Standards. All proposed exterior changes to homes and landscaping must be reviewed and approved by this committee prior to work commencing. Some examples include: changes to house color, installation of a new roof, addition of more living or garage space, patio covers, construction of fences, placement of storage shed or significant changes to the landscaping in your yard.
This committee also handles Covenant Violations and tries to resolve these violations with the homeowner. If a homeowner does not comply with the Covenants, corrective action up to and including legal action may be taken. All complaints must be in writing with your name and phone number so that we can sure to address the correct issue on the correct property. All complaints will be kept confidential.
Chair: Edgar Dodge
Meeting Frequency: Throughout the month as requests are received
Landscape and Maintenance Committee
The Landscape and Maintenance Committee plans and oversees the maintenance of the common area which includes berms, lawns, bedding areas, sprinkler irrigation system, micro paths, and the desert belt areas. The committee serves as a liaison with our landscape maintenance contractor to assure that the care of our common areas is done properly. Landscape maintenance is the largest cost item in the budget or our homeowners association.
The committee serves as a liaison with our landscape maintenance contractor and Sentry Management to assure that the care of our common areas is done properly.
Chair: Sal Palazzolo
Meeting Frequency: infrequently
Recreation & Amenities Committee
The Recreation and Amenities Committee tends to the operation and maintenance of the recreation center. With the help of our management company, this committee’s responsibilities include the office located inside the clubhouse, security card access, rule violations/vandalism, security camera system, security patrol, exercise room, pool maintenance, pool rules, disk golf course, swings, park area, rental of the recreation center, building maintenance and improvements, and the operation and maintenance of the RV Storage lot.
Chair: Mark Barry
Meeting Frequency: As needed
Members of the Nominating Committee serve for a 1 year term and are instrumental in administering the nominating process for the annual CVOA Board elections. Per the CVOA Bylaws, we require at least 2 homeowners to serve on this committee and their names are announced in the March annual meeting for the upcoming year. members of this committee administer and collect applications from candidates for vacant board positions, interview each candidate, and subsequently designate all qualified candidates to the board as official nominees in the upcoming election. Overall, they ensure the nomination process is executed properly for the annual meeting elections.
Chair: Anita Ralstin
Meeting Frequency: November - March
Events Committee
The Events Committee plans annual events including the Summer Pool Party in the Spring, National Night Out in the Summer, the Turkey Trot 5k in the Fall, and the Visit with Santa and Craft Bazaar in December, in addition to many other social events throughout the year.
Chair: Rachel Sutherland
Meeting Frequency: Several times a year
Neighborhood Watch Committee
The Neighborhood Watch Committee is part of the CVOA Communications Committee and is organized into a team of block captains who are the contact people for specific sections of the neighborhood. The committee is responsible for maintenance of the Neighborhood Watch signs located on each street. Columbia Village has approximately 90 designated small sections for block captain participation. There’s always a need for more help and the time commitment is very minor, although some block captains go above and beyond by planning block parties and other fun activities. Block Captains act as a ‘telephone tree’ to communicate with neighbors in the event of a neighborhood emergency. The Neighborhood Watch chairperson holds meetings once or twice per year for block captains to share ideas and learn more about what is happening in our community from guest speakers such as BPD, Carey Guard, and other relevant resources.
Chair: Bonnie Straight
Meeting Frequency: Two annual meetings, and communication throughout the year