Neighborhood Watch Alerts

Posted on June 20, 2023 1:54 PM by Bonnie Straight
Categories: General
If you happen to venture to the Boise Towne Square Mall through Memorial Day you will see a large display outside the front entrance.  The display is not what you would expect walking into a shopping center.  It is a wrecked vehicle from an accident on the connector.  Luckily the driver walked away without much harm.  Unfortunately during the 100 Deadliest Days, the time between Memorial Day and Labor Day, our state sees far too many accidents where those involved are not this lucky.  Attached below is an article link from the press conference we held this past Friday hoping to bring awareness to and serve as a warning to the many folks who will be driving our highways this summer.  Being at the conference and hearing Caldwell Officer Defur’s story of losing his daughter in an aggressive driving accident 10 years ago broke my heart.
Our hope is you take the time to share the importance of safe driving with your family, friends, and neighbors. 
This summer, and truly every day, we remind you to:
Avoid distractions when driving, especially putting down your phone
Control your speeds
Don’t drink and drive
Control your temper, avoid driving aggressively
Wear a seatbelt
Posted on January 13, 2023 10:36 AM by Admin
Categories: General
The Boise Police Department (BPD) and the BPD Police Activities League (PAL) are excited to offer new opportunities for the community and officers to interact through programs, events, and activities.  
“Our police officers respond to over 130,000 calls for service every year and what our officers desire as much as our community is partnerships and positive connections,” said Boise Police Chief Ron Winegar. “We look forward to getting to know more of our community and letting them get to know us.”   
BPD has been offering Coffee with A Cop for years and is expanding that idea to incorporate a wider array of activities and interests.  Starting in 2023 we are planning to offer at least one event every month where community members and youth can join us for conversation or a fun activity.  
Boise PAL is a nonprofit organization made up of Boise Police Officers who volunteer their time to participate in youth events. They do it because they know the value of youth programs and positive role models and they have seen the long-term benefits of those positive interactions.  
“Many of our officers became officers because of a positive interaction they had with a police officer in their youth. To many of us, serving our community is about more than responding to 911 calls or making traffic stops, it’s also about setting good examples, being there for after-school activities, and developing a trusting relationship with people so they know we are a safe place to turn.” said Boise Police officer and PAL President Jason Shofner. 
Events are free to the public and if registration is required it will be run through the PAL organization.  Dates and activities will be posted in the events section on and the PAL website.   
Upcoming events:  
Coffee With a Cop  
When: January 18 2023 | Time: 12:00pm – 1:30 pm 
Where: Black History Museum 508 Julia Davis Dr, Boise, ID 83702 
No registration needed  
Posted on November 10, 2021 8:30 PM by Bonnie Straight
Categories: General
As we take advantage of shopping online, having more and more items delivered to our homes, thieves are also taking advantage of packages left on door steps. While package thefts do happen throughout the year, we typically see an increase in November and December, as we are ordering gifts for friends and family in additional to our normal orders. 
To reduce your chances of being a victim of a package theft:
  • Track your packages and shipments. This way you know when your package will be delivered and you can prepare for it.
  • Leave specific instructions for delivery when you order the product; you can also do this through the shipper's online tracking services.  Do not leave a note on your door with instructions.
  • If you cannot be home for delivery, ask a neighbor to watch for the package and secure it for you.
  • Consider having all your shipments require a signature for delivery.  That way someone has to be home to receive.
  • Have your package delivered to your work or to a relative or friend who will be at home.
  • Consider picking up the package at the Post Office or shipping center.
  • Be aware of suspicious activity in your neighborhood. Look for strange vehicles and individuals. Call non-emergency dispatch at 208-377-6790 to report suspicious behavior.
  • A doorbell camera or other visible camera monitoring your property could deter a would-be package thief or provide police with additional evidence of the crime.
Posted on October 26, 2021 1:00 PM by Bonnie Straight
Categories: General
For everyone choosing to participate in Halloween this year, giving out candy or taking youngsters out, here are a few safety reminders to make sure everyone has a fun time.
Safety for Kids
  • When out Trick or Treating, younger children should always go with an adult or responsible older sibling.  If older children are going out on their own, they should always go in a group.
  • Using flashlights, glow sticks or reflective tape on costumes will give additional visibility to trick or treaters.
  • Avoid dark and unlit houses.  People will often turn off their outdoor lights if they choose not to participate or are simply not at home.
  • Child should never go inside a stranger’s house.
  • When crossing a street, cross at crosswalks and street corners.   Make eye contact with drivers before you cross.  Avoid crossing between cars parked on the street.
  • Slow down.  There is plenty of candy for everyone.  Walk, don’t run, to avoid accidents. 
  • Pay attention when walking past driveways to make sure cars are not pulling in or out.
  • Wear non-toxic makeup instead of a traditional Halloween mask, which may hinder sight.  If you choose to wear a mask, make sure it fits well.
  • Costume accessories, such as swords, shouldn’t be sharp.  They should be soft and flexible.
  • Do not eat candy until an adult checks it.  We’ve all heard the horror stories about needles, razor blades, etc. in candy.  We always get questions about this and I have not seen an instance of this happening.  However there are plenty of other good reasons to check out candy before they eat, allergies being one.  Eat only factory wrapped candy and stay away from homemade treats.
Safety for Adults
  • If you are going to be driving around on Halloween, please avoid distractions and be extra observant, especially in residential areas and around schools.  With the excitement, and probably a little help from all the sugar, youngsters don’t always pay as close attention to traffic as they should.
  • If you are participating by handing out candy, remember to have the path to your door well-lit and free from tripping and other hazards.  Even if you are not participating, it’s still a good idea to remove any hazards to keep everyone safe.
  • With a number of people being out and about in our neighborhoods, do not leave the theft opportunity of an open vehicle.  Make sure you lock your vehicles and remove all valuables.   
  • With Halloween on the weekend, if you are celebrating at a Halloween party, don’t forgot to plan ahead for a way home.  Call an Uber or make plans for a designated driver.   
Posted on August 11, 2021 10:00 AM by Bonnie Straight
Categories: General
With summer in the rearview mirror and the start of school just around the corner we wanted to share some back to school safety reminders.  Back to school impacts many of us, even those without children.  Be sure to keep an extra eye out for kids walking/biking/boarding, especially around schools and in residential areas.  With the excitement of a new school year, safety might not be the first thing on their mind.  Plan for a few extra minutes in your commute as traffic is affected by additional drivers and reduced speed limits around school zones.
Students in the Boise School District will go back to school on Monday, August 16.  Which means not only will there be more parents and students in school zones, but there will be more police officers patrolling school zones as well.
BPD will have increased patrols in and around school zones and school buses August 16 through Labor Day.  Schools in the West Ada School District start August 26 and police officers will be patrolling the areas around those schools as well.
Stop Arm Law
Drivers are warned to pay special attention to the laws around passing a school bus that is stopped
with its stop arm extended.  For a first offense the fine is $200.
  • When a school bus is stopped with its stop arm extended on a two or three lane road, all traffic in BOTH DIRECTIONS must stop.
  • When a school bus is stopped with its stop arm extended or a road with four or more lanes only traffic FOLLOWING the bus must stop.
School Zone Speed Limit
The speed limit in school zones is 20 mph. School zones in Boise City are marked with flashing yellow lights when the slower speed limit is in effect. The fine for speeding in a Boise City School Zone is $156.50.
Please be on the lookout for children crossing the street in both marked and unmarked crosswalks. Failing to yield to a pedestrian before crossing a crosswalk carries a $75 fine.
Safety Reminders for Students
  • Map out a safe way to walk to school or to the bus stop. If possible, avoid crossing busy roads, vacant lots, construction areas, and parks where there aren’t many people. Also, discuss safe places to go in case of an emergency along the route.
  • Follow traffic signals and rules when walking or biking.
  • Do not talk to strangers or people you “sort of know” and do not go anywhere with them without your parents’ permission.
  • Memorize your phone number and address. Write down other important phone numbers such as your parent’s work and cell phone on a card to carry with you.
  • Use the buddy system and walk/bike to school with friends.
  • Avoid wearing clothing with your name on it while walking to and from school.
  • If home alone before or after school, don’t open the door if someone rings the doorbell or knocks on the door or windows.  Don’t tell strangers or people you “sort of know” you’re by yourself before or after school.
  • If you are allowed to have a cell phone, make sure it has a full charge when going to school.  Make sure you save enough battery to get home.
  • If you experience or witness bullying it’s okay to stand up for yourself and tell the bully no and report the activity to a teacher.  Bullying can happen at school or online and it should be reported to a parent, teacher or school administrator. 
Posted on May 10, 2021 8:10 AM by Bonnie Straight
Categories: General
With warmer weather and many residents working on home projects, numerous garages and sheds have been left open and unsecured resulting in reported burglaries (primarily bikes and tools) throughout the Treasure Valley.  To protect your property, the Boise Police Department is encouraging residents to practice the following safety habits:
  • When working in the backyard, please keep your garage door closed to prevent items from being stolen.  An open garage door with no one in sight can be an open invitation to burglars. 
  • Recheck your garage door before turning in for the night.  A garage door that is open, even only a few inches for a pet or ventilation, is susceptible to crime.
  • Secure your home and vehicles by locking doors and windows.  Lock the door going from the garage into your home and the door going from your garage to the outside.  Secure the pet door too!  In addition, please do not leave firearms in vehicles, even if the vehicle is in a garage.  Many stolen firearms are taken from unsecured vehicles.
  • Barking dogs can be an indication of unusual activity around your home.  Pay attention and report any suspicious activity to law enforcement (Non-Emergency at 208-377-6790 or Emergency at 911).
  • Alarms and anti-theft devices work.  If your home or vehicle has one, be sure to use it.
  • Consider trimming overgrown landscape to prevent hiding places, and leave outside lights on at night.
  • Frost or cover your garage windows.  People who can see into your garage can view your items.  Remember to secure your windows with locks and dowels to prevent thieves from accessing the garage.
  • Keep your garage keypad secure – remind children not to share the security code with anyone. 
  • Remember to check your gates, sheds and detached buildings as well.  Replace old locks and hinges and cover windows.
  • If you have the time, photograph and engrave your property; record the serial number associated with your equipment.  This will assist the police in recovering your stolen items.
Burglaries are often crimes of opportunity, so if you notice your neighbor’s open garage, please let them know if you feel they are unaware. Remember, we are all in this together.  By practicing good habits and watching out for one another, you and your neighbors can make a difference!
Posted on May 10, 2021 8:00 AM by Bonnie Straight
Categories: General
With warmer weather we tend to see an increase in solicitor activity, and every year officers respond to calls about suspicious or aggressive door-to-door solicitors.  In some cases, offenders pose as solicitors or delivery people, knocking on doors to determine if anyone is home.  If no one answers, they move to the back of the home (out of sight from the street), and locate an unlocked window or force their way in.  If someone answers the door, they pose as a legitimate company or act as if they have the wrong address.  Door-to-door salespeople can be legitimate as long as they have a solicitor’s license, obey the law, and are transparent about who they represent and what they are selling.  The Boise Police Department wants to remind residents to be cautious when dealing with solicitors, and to be informed about Boise City solicitor regulations.
City Licensing:
All Boise City door-to-door solicitors must be licensed by the City and display their official license when interacting with home owners.  Boise City Solicitors Licenses have the individual's name, picture, and the Boise City logo.  If a solicitor knocks on your door, ask to see their license.  If they do not have one, have them leave your property and call Non-Emergency Dispatch at (208) 377-6790 immediately.  Provide a description of the solicitor, direction of travel, and if possible, vehicle description with license plate number so an officer can respond and conduct an investigation.  If you feel any licensed solicitor has been rude or aggressive, get their name, their solicitor license number and call the Boise City Clerk's Office at (208) 972-8150.
Representatives from non-profit 501c(3) organizations (certain charities), local service groups such as Boy or Girl Scouts, and political groups are not required to have a city license.  However, even if a solicitor claims to be a non-profit organization you should still ask for identification to confirm they are an actual representative, and if you feel threatened, call 911 immediately.  Solicitors are allowed to engage in their licensed business only between 9:00 a.m. and one hour after sunset unless located in a commercially zoned area.
NOTE:  A flyer taped to the door or slid under a doormat where no actual selling has occurred is considered advertising and not soliciting.  However, if the person handing out the flyers engages in conversation trying to sell the product or service, it would then change their role into a solicitor and a license would be required.
Crime Prevention Tips:
If home alone, answer behind a locked screen door or through a locked front door (so the home doesn’t appear empty).  If you open the door, consider hollering to a “ghost” spouse or roommate “Don’t worry Harold, I’ve got it!” to alert the solicitor that you may not be alone.
  • Do not allow or invite solicitors into your home.  If you choose to engage, they can conduct business on your doorstep -- they do not need to assess your belongings or use the bathroom where most prescription meds are kept.
  • Ask to see a City-issued license to sell – it must be on their person and in plain view.  They must be honest about who they are and what they are trying to sell.
  • Ask for written information about the company.  Let them know that you will be doing research on that company before purchasing any of their products.  Don’t feel pressured to buy or sign anything.
  • Be cautious about giving out any personal or financial information without being certain of the product and the seller’s intentions.
  • Report aggressive or suspicious solicitors to law enforcement immediately by calling Police Dispatch at 911.  Provide a description of the solicitor and what direction they were headed.
  • Alert other neighbors in the immediate area.  If you have a Neighborhood Watch, contact your NW Chairperson who can notify the other residents of this activity.  To establish a Neighborhood Watch in your area, contact 
  • Consider posting a “No Solicitor” sign on private property.  “No Solicitors” means No Solicitors!
During the Daytime:
  • Keep exterior doors and windows locked, including both bay and side garage doors.  Don’t forget to secure your pet door!
  • Turn off outside lights (not motion sensors). 
  • Make the home look occupied by picking up your newspaper and removing flyers from your front door; consider leaving a radio on while gone. 
  • Keep landscape trimmed to prevent hiding places.
  • Don’t leave spare house keys under a flower pot or doormat – give a spare to a trusted neighbor or friend.
Solicitors operate all year and calls regarding non-licensed solicitors are common.  Education will help you, your family and your neighborhood stay safe from crime. For more information, please contact the Office of the City Clerk, Boise Licensing at (208) 972-8150 or visit to review the Boise City Code on Solicitors.
Posted on April 14, 2021 4:00 PM by Bonnie Straight
Categories: General
Time to gather up those old documents and unused medications! The next Shred-It and Drug Take Back will be held on Saturday, April 24th from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. 
Drop off for Shred-It and Medications at Ada County Sheriff’s Office, 7200 Barrister Drive, Boise (located near the Boise Town Square Mall)
Drop off for Medications Only (no shred) at Fred Meyer, 5425 W. Chinden Blvd, Garden City (near the Fairgrounds)
Consider shredding your bank statements, credit card and utility bills, tax documents, medical records, receipts, etc.  Limit up to 5 shred boxes per vehicle.  Please bring items in paper bags or boxes. You can also drop off expired or unused medications.
Donations accepted (event provided by Idaho Veterans Chamber of Commerce). 
Posted on February 15, 2021 6:38 PM by Bonnie Straight
Categories: General
While online shopping has its perks, there are also risks involved. Here are five steps to help safeguard your goods.
Network with Neighbors
Your neighbors can be extremely helpful when it comes to preventing package theft while you’re away. If you’re expecting a delivery, ask your neighbor to watch for it and grab it when it arrives, so you can pick it up from them when you get home.
As a community, make a commitment to watch for and report strangers in the neighborhood. Be aware of suspicious activity and don’t be afraid to call local law enforcement if something seems amiss.
Have Packages Delivered to Work
Most packages are delivered during standard work hours. As such, you likely may not be home when the delivery person drops off your long-awaited purchases. To prevent porch theft, have all packages delivered to your workplace, if possible. That way, you or someone trusted can sign for the package.
Before you make the work mail room your personal post office, ask your employer for permission. It’s important to respect the company culture, too.
Leave Specific Drop-off Instructions
When placing an online order, you usually have the option to include special delivery instructions. This is a great first step to protect your purchases. 
Instead of having packages delivered to your front porch, ask for them to be left on the side of the house, under the front door mat, or in the milk box. Porch pirates look for packages that are easy to swipe. This way, they can grab them quickly without being caught.
Placing your packages in more discreet locations lessens your chance of being a victim of theft.
Use a Smart Lock
Smart locks are a great way to protect your packages and ensure a safe delivery. When a package is delivered, you can have the delivery person enter a unique code that unlocks the front door. Then, they can place the package inside, close the door and re-lock it. The passcode then expires and your packages are safe and sound.
Install Security Cameras
The six weeks between Thanksgiving and the end of December are prime for packages being delivered to your home for the holidays. However, that means burglars are more likely to swipe your packages if they are left outside.
Install an outdoor security camera to deter porch pirates and to monitor deliveries. You can check in on your packages using your smart phone to ensure they’ve been delivered and are safe.
If your packages are stolen, the video camera has a record of who came to your porch and when they stole your items. This can be useful information if you go to the police.
What to Do if Your Stuff Is Stolen?
If you’re a victim of theft, there are steps to take to help your cause.
Check any security camera footage – If your package was stolen, the video footage will spot the thief so you can report it to the local police.
Contact the delivery carrier – Each carrier has different ways of handling lost or stolen packages, but you may be able to get a refund from certain carriers.
Alert your neighbors – If you’ve been a victim of porch theft, chances are your neighbors may be at risk. While it won’t bring your stuff back, alerting your neighbors can protect them from a similar incident.