Neighborhood Watch Alerts

Spring Cleaning Reminders
Posted on March 29, 2022 2:28 PM by Bonnie Straight
Spring is here!!!  Each spring many of us taken on our annual spring cleaning, whether it is cleaning up our yards and flower beds, garages and shed, or closets and around the house. 
When clean up our yards remember to:
Trim trees and shrubs to maximize visibility around your property.  Trim trees so the lowest foliage is 6-7 feet above the ground.  Trim shrubs to a maximum height of 2 feet.  So you don’t have to worry about measurement, keep branches trimmed above your head and shrubs below your knees.
When cleaning up and disposing of household chemicals, electronics, or other items:
Curb It Boise has many collection sites and times to dispose of hazardous household chemicals, old paint, electronics, and many other items.  Check out the link below for more information or see the attached flyer for household waste collection information.
Spring cleaning is also a good excuse to properly dispose of unused or expired medications.  The DEA typically schedules take back events at different locations around Ada County in late April.  However you don’t have to wait for these events to dispose of medications.  All police departments in Ada County have a medication drop off bin that is available to the public during open business hours.  See the flyers in the links below for locations and other details.
Items not accepted at disposal bins:
  • Business or medical office medications (e.g. veterinary offices, assisted/long-term care facilities, doctor offices)
  • Chemotherapy drugs
  • Needles, sharps (lancets) or syringes
  • Aerosol cans
  • Hair care products or cosmetics
  • Urine or feces contaminated items
  • Bloody or infectious waste
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Thermometers
  • IV bags or catheters
  • Bodily fluids of any kind
  • Empty pill containers (RX bottles should be included in Hefty Energy Bag contents.)
  • Illicit drugs
Happy spring!