Neighborhood Watch Alerts

Seasonal Package Thefts
Posted on November 10, 2021 8:30 PM by Bonnie Straight
Categories: General
As we take advantage of shopping online, having more and more items delivered to our homes, thieves are also taking advantage of packages left on door steps. While package thefts do happen throughout the year, we typically see an increase in November and December, as we are ordering gifts for friends and family in additional to our normal orders. 
To reduce your chances of being a victim of a package theft:
  • Track your packages and shipments. This way you know when your package will be delivered and you can prepare for it.
  • Leave specific instructions for delivery when you order the product; you can also do this through the shipper's online tracking services.  Do not leave a note on your door with instructions.
  • If you cannot be home for delivery, ask a neighbor to watch for the package and secure it for you.
  • Consider having all your shipments require a signature for delivery.  That way someone has to be home to receive.
  • Have your package delivered to your work or to a relative or friend who will be at home.
  • Consider picking up the package at the Post Office or shipping center.
  • Be aware of suspicious activity in your neighborhood. Look for strange vehicles and individuals. Call non-emergency dispatch at 208-377-6790 to report suspicious behavior.
  • A doorbell camera or other visible camera monitoring your property could deter a would-be package thief or provide police with additional evidence of the crime.