Neighborhood Watch Alerts

Back to School Safety
Posted on August 11, 2021 10:00 AM by Bonnie Straight
Categories: General
With summer in the rearview mirror and the start of school just around the corner we wanted to share some back to school safety reminders.  Back to school impacts many of us, even those without children.  Be sure to keep an extra eye out for kids walking/biking/boarding, especially around schools and in residential areas.  With the excitement of a new school year, safety might not be the first thing on their mind.  Plan for a few extra minutes in your commute as traffic is affected by additional drivers and reduced speed limits around school zones.
Students in the Boise School District will go back to school on Monday, August 16.  Which means not only will there be more parents and students in school zones, but there will be more police officers patrolling school zones as well.
BPD will have increased patrols in and around school zones and school buses August 16 through Labor Day.  Schools in the West Ada School District start August 26 and police officers will be patrolling the areas around those schools as well.
Stop Arm Law
Drivers are warned to pay special attention to the laws around passing a school bus that is stopped
with its stop arm extended.  For a first offense the fine is $200.
  • When a school bus is stopped with its stop arm extended on a two or three lane road, all traffic in BOTH DIRECTIONS must stop.
  • When a school bus is stopped with its stop arm extended or a road with four or more lanes only traffic FOLLOWING the bus must stop.
School Zone Speed Limit
The speed limit in school zones is 20 mph. School zones in Boise City are marked with flashing yellow lights when the slower speed limit is in effect. The fine for speeding in a Boise City School Zone is $156.50.
Please be on the lookout for children crossing the street in both marked and unmarked crosswalks. Failing to yield to a pedestrian before crossing a crosswalk carries a $75 fine.
Safety Reminders for Students
  • Map out a safe way to walk to school or to the bus stop. If possible, avoid crossing busy roads, vacant lots, construction areas, and parks where there aren’t many people. Also, discuss safe places to go in case of an emergency along the route.
  • Follow traffic signals and rules when walking or biking.
  • Do not talk to strangers or people you “sort of know” and do not go anywhere with them without your parents’ permission.
  • Memorize your phone number and address. Write down other important phone numbers such as your parent’s work and cell phone on a card to carry with you.
  • Use the buddy system and walk/bike to school with friends.
  • Avoid wearing clothing with your name on it while walking to and from school.
  • If home alone before or after school, don’t open the door if someone rings the doorbell or knocks on the door or windows.  Don’t tell strangers or people you “sort of know” you’re by yourself before or after school.
  • If you are allowed to have a cell phone, make sure it has a full charge when going to school.  Make sure you save enough battery to get home.
  • If you experience or witness bullying it’s okay to stand up for yourself and tell the bully no and report the activity to a teacher.  Bullying can happen at school or online and it should be reported to a parent, teacher or school administrator.